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Thomas Edison built the first electricity generation plant in 1882. Named the Pearl Street Station, this technical marvel starting a social and financial revolution benefiting billions of people. More important than ever, electricity must be accessible, reliable, affordable, and sustainable if the revolution is to continue. Financial analysis for the rapidly changing technologies involved with renewable electricity generation, storage, and management plays a critical role in determining how policies and investments will be made affecting almost every person in the country. We provide economic analysis and education to help the industry make progress towards a sustainable and clean energy future.

What? How? Why?
Electricity is one of the most popular commodities worldwide. The production, transmission, and management of the assets that play a role in the industry have never been more varied nor undergone faster rates of change. It’s imperative all stakeholders understand the financial relationships and trade-offs policies and investments create. Everyone intuitively knows wind and solar power come from clean and costless sources. The machines and devices to harness this free power comes from technologies experiencing faster rates of improvement and larger cost improvements than traditional sources. The challenge of managing the intermittency is improving as fast as the underlying technologies driving global efficiencies in many industries.
What? How? Why?

When does the cost of these new options reach parity and surpass the traditional technologies?
It’s an important analysis to make. The fact that most of these technologies were considered experimental only a few years ago makes flexibility and shorter life cycles a new reality. A premium on flexibility and preserving optionality is more valuable than ever. We aim to address the new requirements of this evolving industry with our advisors and financial experts providing analysis and support to contemporary policies and topics that can advance the adoption of efficient and low-emissions technologies.
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